The perfect place to disconnect and live an unforgettable experience

Are you someone curious? Do you want to live a unique and magical experience? Do you want to rest from the monotony of everyday life? Then you will love the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.



The Pacaya Samiria National Reserve is also known as “The jungle of mirrors”, this is the most important, diverse and extensive ecosystem of the entire Peruvian Amazon jungle. It has an area of ​​approximately 2 million hectares, which is 1.5% of the surface of Peru.

The two main tributaries of the Amazon River are the Marañón and Ucayali rivers, these are the ones that limit the limits of the reserve, it also has three main basins, Yanayacu Pucate, Samiria and Pacaya.

This reserve was recognized worldwide as the second best place in the world for wildlife, this is due to the gigantic biological diversity that exists in the area (which is 10% of all the biodiversity that exists on planet earth) , among other things. There are around 2000 unique and different species of flora and fauna, this, together with its gigantic aguaje palm forests, create a unique and unrepeatable natural setting.

Within the reserve and its surroundings, there are 203 population centers, which are home to more than one hundred thousand people.


You can visit the reserve at any time of the year, either in the rainy season, which runs from November to April. During this season, you can see primates, amphibians and birds, and in the dry season, which goes from the end of May and ends in October, this is when the river beaches begin to form. In addition, it is the time when the aquatic turtles spawn; you can easily see charapas, turtles and taricayas. You can also take walks inside the primary forest.

The Peruvian government protects the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve through the national service of Protected Natural Areas or also known by its acronym SERNANP. All the communities that live in the place have a great importance in the protection and conservation of the animals in danger of extinction in the area, such as the manatees, paiches, dolphins, primates, turtles, among many others.

In all the programs that we offer you, the entrance to the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve is included, interpretation tours through the Yanayacu-Pucate basin, and we will do ecotourism activities such as traditional piranha fishing, dolphin watching and migratory and resident birds, we will navigate through the so-called “Jungle of Mirrors”


What can you see and do in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve?


Night walks

Recommended only for the bravest, seeing and walking through the jungle at night can be one of the best ways to experience the jungle.


Dolphin watching

We will observe the gray and/or pink dolphins.

Walks through primary forest:

Walks inside the jungle in search of wildlife (depending on the season).

Visit the native communities

 In the reserve, there are more than 200 populations of people who continue to live attached to their oldest customs and traditions.

Visit the El Dorado Lagoon

We can assure you that the sunsets in this gigantic mirror of natural water are the most beautiful in the world, so much so that you will never forget them.

Spend a pleasant day fishing

For those people who enjoy silence and nature, fishing can be an activity that they really enjoy.



How to get to the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve?

Although it is true that the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve is very far from the city of Iquitos.

Once in Iquitos, we have to go to the port town of Nauta, after a road trip of approximately 2 hours, there we will take our typical motorized boat, and that is where the adventure begins, since for just over half an hour you will Touring the Marañón River, which is one of the tributaries of the great Amazon River, this will be an experience difficult to forget.

We offer you various tours with a duration of between 3 and 10 days, so you can get to know the beautiful Peruvian jungle. Although of course, we know that it is not easy to get the necessary days to visit the jungle, the more time you have, the more you will be able to explore and delve into this great national reserve, you will be able to find many plants and animals that you will not see anywhere else. For this reason, we recommend that, if you want to live a more complete experience, you take the 5-day tour, on this excursion you will be able to experience everything that the jungle has to offer.




With your trip through the Pacaya Samiria reserve, we are generating income, part of which goes to the National Service of Natural Protected Areas of Peru. These funds are used for the maintenance and improvement of the park rangers’ infrastructures and to pay for the continuous work carried out by the professionals in charge of preserving and protecting the Pacaya Samiria National Park.

The income that is generated also goes to the communities that reside in the reserve, in this way we are encouraging the administrators of the local natural resources to continue working on projects that are sustainable and that contribute to the protection and conservation of all the biodiversity of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.

Right now, we are contributing to the socioeconomic development of all the populations that live in the buffer zone of the reserve through multiple projects. When you are traveling with us, you can feel proud, since, with your trip, you will not only have an unforgettable experience, but  you will also be supporting the development of the communities in the area.





Within the reserve there are 965 different species of flora, in addition to all those that remain to be discovered.

This is one of the most diverse floras in the world, which remains flooded for much of the year. During all these years, around 965 species of wild plants and 59 species of plants that were cultivated have been cataloged, among which we can find palms, ferns, orchids, etc. All these plants are what make up the beautiful landscape of the reserve, which is unique in the entire Amazon.

We have to highlight the enormous extensions of aguaje palm trees and a great variety of trees such as the renaco, which together give shape to the enormous floodplain forest that we can observe on the riverbank. Moreover, there are other species that are also important such as pihuayo palms, ungurahui, shapaja among other plants such as aya uma.




About 1,000 species of animals call the wetland forest home

The ecosystem of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve offers the ideal conditions for more than 1000 different species of vertebrates to live here. This is about 26% of the diversity of species recorded so far from the Amazon and 27% from Peru.

In the reserve there are species of animals that are seen as the standards for good conservation, examples of which could be the manatee or the sea cow (Trichechus inunguis); the gray dolphin (Sotalia fluviatilis), the pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), the maquisapa monkey (Ateles beltzebuth), the puma (Puma concolor), the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), the jaguar or otorongo (Panthera onca), the sachavaca (Tapirus terrestris), the red deer (Mazama americana), the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), the red-faced spider monkey or maquisapa (Ateles paniscus), the peccary (Tayassu tajacu), among others, many more animal species.

But the reserve also has a large population of birds, there are about 450 species, among which waterfowl stand out, such as the puma heron (Tigrisoma lineatum), the fresna heron (Ardea cocoi), the white heron (Egretta alba) , the cushuri (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), among many other species of waterfowl.


The reptiles are not far behind, in the reserve you can find taricaya turtles (Podocnemis unifilis), charapadas turtles (Podocnemis expansa), the white lizard (Caiman crocodylus), the black lizard (Melanosuchus niger), among others. Hydrobiological resources play a very important role for the reserve, since they are part of the ecological processes, they are also the source of food for the surrounding towns, and they have great economic value.

Many of the species in the reserve are for human consumption, such as the dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii), the tower fish (Phractocephalus hemiliopterus), the doncella (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum), the paiche (Arapaima gigas). Within the medium and small species we can find the tarpon (Brycon melanopterus), the gamitana (Colossoma macropomum), the boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans), the palometa (Mylossoma duriventris), the croaker (Plagioscion squamosissimus), among many other species.

Something worth mentioning is that in the reserve there are also many ornamental fish, these are caught only for export, not for consumption, within these fish we can find the tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma), the tiger fish (Tigrinus peruvianus), the skate (Potamotrygon motoro), the Arahuana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum), among many other marine species.




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