In three days, you´re gonna explore a remarkable rainforest and other ecosystems, and the creatures that live in there at Pacaya Samiria and be in contact with nature and spot animals like monkeys, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, dolphins and piranhas.

Tour Details

Amazon Wonder Expeditions, is a family company dedicated to perform customized tours based on a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 people. If you are traveling alone, please contact us for more information.
So, you will be amazed by the fascinating intricacies of the rainforest.
We can make more flexible tours as well as specially targeted groups or large families.
We normally start our tour at 9.00am, we pick you up from the airport or hotel, if you had a flight arrival outside these hours do not worry about it, we will organize your itinerary so that you do not waste any tour and so enjoy the most of your stay in the jungle. The last day, our tour ends up at approximately 4.00pm.
During your stay you will be accompanied by a professional bilingual naturalist guide.
When making your reservation please specify if you have any dietary restrictions because we have vegetarian or vegan menu. For those who do not opt for this preference our meals are made based on fish, chicken, beef or pork.

Payment Methods

We accept all Visa and Mastercard, American Express cards in Our Office in the city of Iquitos. We accept Peruvian Soles (PEN), US Dollars (USD) and Euros (EUR).

Our tour includes:

  • Airport hotel transfer.
  • Meals during their stay.
  • Transport and excursions into the jungle.
  • Naturalist bilingual guide.
  • Rubber boots, fishing rods, etc.
  • Private accommodation.

Not included:

  • Airplane tickets.
  • Extras items (crafts, drinks and liquors)
  • Tip the tour guide.
  • Health insurance.

What to bring:

  • Slippers, rain poncho.
  • Repellent, sunscreen.
  • Flas Light (important), sunglasses, hat.
  • Light clothing.
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    DAY 1

    Transfer to Nauta Town.

    Pick up from the Airport or Hotel. Transfer to Nauta town. We Will travel for 2 hours approximately by highway. This town is considered to be the Gateway to Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.
    From Nauta, we Will departure in our boat upstream Marañon river for 3 hours approximately to The Community of Santo Domingo.
    During the Navigation along the Marañon River, you will have the chance to gaze upon the breathtaking landscapes. And the diversity of flora and fauna, such as river dolphins, birds and much more.
    On our arrival, we will register at the ranger station of Pacaya Samiria.
    After registration, we continue navigating for about 30 minutes to the Community of Buenos Aires, on our way we Will be able to delight in wildlife along the riverbanks. Animals such us herons, large billed terns, black collared hawk, King Fisher, cormorants, egrets, etc.
    We Will enjoy a typical lunch made out of local ingredients.
    Afternoon, jungle walking into primary forest looking for wildlife. observe the different species of animals in their habitat such as monkeys, birds, insects, rodents, reptiles and amphibians.
    It is time for a delicious dinner.
    Walk through the ecological Reserve at night, biological activity differs greatly between night and day in the Amazonian Ecosystem. Venture into the forest after dark, enhancing animal resources to create new adaptation mechanism. Listen to Nocturnal Forest sounds and spot species that only emerge at night.
    Overnight in the jungle.

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    DAY 2

    Early morning expedition, we Will have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful natural sceneries and wildlife of the riverbanks. This is the best time to spot for many species of birds, primates and sloths.
    We Will enjoy our breakfast with a refreshing fruit juice.
    Jungle Walking around 2-3 hours to explore a lake or cocha in order to search for the biodiversity, rich flora and fauna of the primary forest. (Different species of birds, sloths, monkeys in their Natural Habitat). We will do an ethnobotanical walk. We Will get to see the Lupuna (Ceiba petandra), the largest tree in the Amazon rainforest and can exceed 50 meters. You will also see varieties of birds, insects, arachnids, reptiles and amphibians. If we are lucky, we could also see different kind of Boas including Anaconda and the Jaguar when it comes for water near the shore of the lake.
    We Will enjoy our typical Lunch.
    We will take a boat ride to try some artisanal piranha fishing, the way locals do it. The guide will instruct you, help you and provide you with all the equipment needed. If you are skillful, you can catch some other species of fish.
    Observation of pink dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) and gray dolphins or tucuxis. Here is your chance to jump into the Pucate river and swim inside the Pacaya Samiria.
    Night expedition, we go in search of the Black and White Caimans along the riverbanks, nocturnal birds, rodents and mammals that we can see during the silence of the night aboard our canoe.
    Accommodation in our camping tends. Overnight in the middle of the forest.

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    DAY 3

    Early morning expedition, this is our last chance to look for more wildlife along the riverbanks. This is the best time to spot for many species of birds, primates and many other species of animals.

    we will enjoy a delicious Breakfast.

    We start our way back, stopping at Buenos Aires community to stretch out our legs. you will have the opportunity to buy beautiful handicrafts made by the inhabitants with their own hands and at the same time your purchase will be contributing to local development.

    We head back to Nauta Town. Once in there, we get ready to return to Iquitos. Drop off at the airport or Hotel in Iquitos City.

    End of Program

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    DAY 1

    Transfer to Nauta Town.

    Pick up from the Airport or Hotel. Transfer to Nauta town. We Will travel for 2 hours approximately by highway. This town is considered to be the Gateway to Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.
    From Nauta, we Will departure in our boat upstream Marañon river for 3 hours approximately to The Community of Santo Domingo.
    During the Navigation along the Marañon River, you will have the chance to gaze upon the breathtaking landscapes. And the diversity of flora and fauna, such as river dolphins, birds and much more.
    On our arrival, we will register at the ranger station of Pacaya Samiria.
    After registration, we continue navigating for about 30 minutes to the Community of Buenos Aires, on our way we Will be able to delight in wildlife along the riverbanks. Animals such us herons, large billed terns, black collared hawk, King Fisher, cormorants, egrets, etc.
    We Will enjoy a typical lunch made out of local ingredients.
    Afternoon, jungle walking into primary forest looking for wildlife. observe the different species of animals in their habitat such as monkeys, birds, insects, rodents, reptiles and amphibians.
    It is time for a delicious dinner.
    Walk through the ecological Reserve at night, biological activity differs greatly between night and day in the Amazonian Ecosystem. Venture into the forest after dark, enhancing animal resources to create new adaptation mechanism. Listen to Nocturnal Forest sounds and spot species that only emerge at night.
    Overnight in the jungle.

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    DAY 2

    Early morning expedition, we Will have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful natural sceneries and wildlife of the riverbanks. This is the best time to spot for many species of birds, primates and sloths.
    We Will enjoy our breakfast with a refreshing fruit juice.
    Jungle Walking around 2-3 hours to explore a lake or cocha in order to search for the biodiversity, rich flora and fauna of the primary forest. (Different species of birds, sloths, monkeys in their Natural Habitat). We will do an ethnobotanical walk. We Will get to see the Lupuna (Ceiba petandra), the largest tree in the Amazon rainforest and can exceed 50 meters. You will also see varieties of birds, insects, arachnids, reptiles and amphibians. If we are lucky, we could also see different kind of Boas including Anaconda and the Jaguar when it comes for water near the shore of the lake.
    We Will enjoy our typical Lunch.
    We will take a boat ride to try some artisanal piranha fishing, the way locals do it. The guide will instruct you, help you and provide you with all the equipment needed. If you are skillful, you can catch some other species of fish.
    Observation of pink dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) and gray dolphins or tucuxis. Here is your chance to jump into the Pucate river and swim inside the Pacaya Samiria.
    Night expedition, we go in search of the Black and White Caimans along the riverbanks, nocturnal birds, rodents and mammals that we can see during the silence of the night aboard our canoe.
    Accommodation in our camping tends. Overnight in the middle of the forest.

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    DAY 3

    Early morning expedition, this is our last chance to look for more wildlife along the riverbanks. This is the best time to spot for many species of birds, primates and many other species of animals.

    we will enjoy a delicious Breakfast.

    We start our way back, stopping at Buenos Aires community to stretch out our legs. you will have the opportunity to buy beautiful handicrafts made by the inhabitants with their own hands and at the same time your purchase will be contributing to local development.

    We head back to Nauta Town. Once in there, we get ready to return to Iquitos. Drop off at the airport or Hotel in Iquitos City.

    End of Program


The Pacaya Samiria National Reserve (RNPS) comprises part of the provinces of Loreto, Requena, Alto Amazonas and Ucayali of the department of Loreto. Its extension is 2,080,000 hectars (20,800 km2) and is located in the Ucamara depression, where the confluence of the great Ucayali and Marañón rivers occurs, which form its natural boundaries. The southwestern part is bounded by a strip of low hills that forms the watershed with the Huallaga River.
Its main objective is to conserve the resources of flora and fauna, as well as the scenic beauty characteristic of the humid tropical forest. The RNPS is home to high biological diversity and an important human population that takes advantage of its natural resources. It includes in its interior the basins of the Pacaya, Samiria and Yanayacu-Pucate rivers. Although mostly it is an alluvial and floodplain lowland plain, it has some low hills in the Pacaya.
The presence of more than 1,025 vertebrate species has been reported, representing 27% of the diversity of these species in Peru and 36% of the total registered for the Amazon. It hosts important wildlife species considered as indicators of the good state of conservation of its territories, such as the sea cow or manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), the gray dolphin (Sotalia fluviatilis), the yellow-faced Maquisapa or spider Monkey (Ateles beltzebuth), the giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), the puma (Puma concolor), the sachavaca or Tapir (Tapirus terrestris), the otorongo or Jaguar (Panthera onca), the Huangana or Peccari (Tayassu pecari), the sajino or White Lipped Peccari (Tayassu tajacu) , the red deer (Mazama americana), the maquisapa or Spider Monkey (Ateles paniscus), the Howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) and the choro or wooly monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha).
The ornithological fauna is made up of 449 species, where bird populations related to aquatic environments stand out, which are also excellent indicators of the state of conservation of wetlands. Among them are the white heron (Egretta alba), the cocoi heron (Ardea cocoi), the tiger heron (Tigrisoma lineatum), the cushuri or cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) and several other species.
Reptiles include the charapa turtle (Podocnemis expansa), the taricaya turtle (Podocnemis unifilis), the black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) and the white Caiman (Caiman crocodylus). Hydrobiological resources are the most important of the RNPS both for their role in ecological processes and for their economic value, they are also the basis of food for local people.
The main species for human consumption can be categorized into two types: large ones such as paiche (Arapaima gigas), dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii), maiden (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) and tower fish (Phractocephalus hemiliopterus); and those of medium and small size such as the gamitana (Colossoma macropomum), the shad (Brycon melanopterus), the croaker (Plagioscion squamosissimus), the boquichico (Prochilodus nigricans), the dove (Mylossoma duriventris), among other highly appreciated species.
Regarding the flora, the RNPS is home to 965 species of wild plants and 59 of cultivated plants. Its value for the protection of biological diversity is widely justified by the presence of immense extensions of aguajales or aguaje forests (Mauritia flexuosa) and mixed forests of other palm trees.



    Ready for the adventure?


      BOOK NOW




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      For the complexity and size of this protected area 5 days is a good time to do deeper ethnobotanical walks and learn more about medicinal plants.



      The deeper we go into the Jungle, the more chances we have to see more wildlife, with 6 days of camping at Pacaya Samiria…



      The ornithological fauna is made up of 449 species at Pacaya Samiria where bird populations related to aquatic environments stand out…



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      Interested in the predatory behavior of the piranha?
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      Interested in the predatory behavior of the piranha?
      This is your opportunity to catch it. Besides, you´re gonna explore a remarkable rainforest and other ecosystems…



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